Thursday, March 7, 2019

WPCA Wesley Passion Community Action

WPCA actually stands for William Pike Challenge Award, To find out more click here.

I decided that I wanted to join WPCA because it sounded like fun and I liked the idea. As part of WPCA we have to do 5 outdoor activities, 20 hours community service and 20 hours passion project (learning a new skill of our choice) This year I am most looking forward to the outdoor activities, followed by passion project and community service.


  1. Hi Lizzie,
    You did a really cool acronym. I really liked your post and that you included a link to more information, I also liked how you included why you joined. I was wondering what you were doing for your passion project. I wish I was part of the William Pike Challenge.

  2. Nice use of those visual features Lizzie. I'm looking forward to more of our outdoor events too! Bring on WPCA/Ski Trip Term 3!!!
