Friday, August 23, 2019

Pie charts

This  is my DLO on pie charts the videos show me doing it, I think that I've got the hang of it but could try doing it  faster.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

writing published

Laura was busy playing in the garden in her massive house in England, her Mum was resting and her dad was at work so she had to amuse herself. She thought the easiest place to play and not disturb her Mum was at the bottom of the garden the wild and playground part.She got herself busy and just as she was getting bored her mum called her name. She ran inside and washed her hands for tea. For the first half of tea her mum and dad were strangely quiet, then her dad said “How would you like to go to Melbourne?””when?” asked Laura “In a month “ her Dad replied”for a holiday? No,for at least a year maybe longer”he replied as Laura stormed out the room. To be continued...

This is one of my free writes. To write the free write we went round the class and 2 people pick a place any place, 2 people pick a name and finally 2 people picked an item.