Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tree Adventures

On Friday the 14th of June when most students at Wesley intermediate were at school our William pike group set off to tree adventures.Once we got our harness on and had completed the practice course we split up into mini groups which at the start was me, Adriana, Helene, Zoe and miss Davis and the 2 boys wee in a different group the girls started on  course 5(Annelisa was also on course 5 but started later then us)then after course 5 we split the girls up the groups were now me and Adriana; Zoe, Helene and Annelisa and finally miss Davis switching between groups, we stayed in those groups until we were all on level eight together.

the boys

the girls

Mr Davis

Me helping Adriana;I did that a lot


Miss Davis

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Goat island trip

on Monday the 25th of November  room 9, room 6 and assorted people from around the school went up to goat Island marine reserve to do snorkelling. We went with two people from a program called E.M.R (experiencing marine reserves) and the William pike group also manged to get it passed off as an outdoor activity as I mentioned in my last blog post.

Our big group was the first to go out,  me, Zoe and Helene  were with Annelisa as  our adult. It was hard getting into the water because you hard to walk in flippers once  we were in it was okay me and Annelisa mostly just swam holding on to the boogie board.  I saw heaps of snapper a few spotty and three other different types of fish that I can't remember the name of. I also saw some kina and a piece of coral as will as plenty of kelp but the most exciting  animals I saw were three eagle rays after I had got out of the sea.
Snapper I liked the blue dots on them.

An eagle ray the ones I saw looked A bit different to this one.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

William Pike F.O.O.A... Caving!

For our final official outdoor adventure(F.O.O.A) we went caving it is our F.O.O.A because at the time we were pretty sure it was our last outdoor adventure but the day before there was an option that we might get a 6th outdoor adventure and we have, snorkeling  we have to do it with our class as well(so it isn't official).

We went 50 minutes out of Auckland to Nikau caves we got there quite early so we went to hang out in the cafe and Miss Davis did paperwork then we went outside to arm ourselves with a helmet and torch then after a first group photo of many we set off to the cave which was about 10 minutes walk from the cafe we had to walk up then down to get to the Nikau cave system.

 When we got there we had a second group photo and safety briefing, then we walked into the cave as we walked into the cave I felt a little bit nervous as I had whenever I had thought hard about it but Adriana  was even more scared than me so we waited just inside the cave for her to calm down  which also helped me calm down(mostly because I was distracted) then we set off. We were mostly walking in an freezing underground stream about half an hour in we had to go down a short vertical bit and then crawl for about 10 metres where I panicked a bit because I thought the person in front of me was going to stop and then we couldn't straighten up properly for another 20 metres. For me it was really cool being up close to the glow worms which I hadn't seen before and seeing the stalactites and stalagmites although I wasn't sure which was which.

After we were free from the darkness we walked back and dried off then had lunch, after lunch Josh, Helene and Zoe played in the stream while me and Adriana sat on a tree near by (Kaden stayed on the bank not doing much) then we had the final group photo then headed back to Auckland.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Words that describe the Ocean

For inquiry today our class wrote words that they thought described the ocean and the life within it to make a word cloud.